
Written by William Dunleavy

Directed by Grace Morgan and Laoise Murray

Produced by tasteinyourmouth with Archway productions

Presented as part of Dublin Fringe Festival 2021.

“’s an impressive production that deserves to be seen by larger audiences than current restrictions permit”- No More Workhorse

“[William J Dunleavy] delivers a hugely engaging performance, at once compelling,

charismatic, and indifferently cool.” - The Arts Review

Developed with Druid Theatre as part of the 2019 Galway International Arts Festival, FRINGE

LAB and Fishamble: The New Play Company. Touring production supported by Culture Ireland

Set, Costume and Video Designer Choy-Ping Clarke-Ng

Lighting Designer Matt McGowan

Sound Designer Sam Hardiman

Stage Management Jennifer Aust

Julia Appleby

Production Manager Jennifer Aust

Producer Jack Farrell

Set Construction Odhran Duignan

Costume Construction Mae Leahy

Graphic Design Allie Whelan


Written by William Dunleavy

Directed by Grace Morgan

presented by tasteinyourmouth

Performed by Laoise Murray and Heather O’Sullivan

The New Theatre, January 2020.

 A coffee cup smashes. A cigarette burns. A woman steps off a balcony. How does it spin so quickly out of control?

Witness the destruction of Dublin and every stone, street and landmark you’ve ever known and loved. Let your mind wander with us through a visceral and blackly comic fantasy. Wouldn’t you like to know what would happen if the thoughts in your head were suddenly real?

B(l)oom is the tale of two women and a city at its end. It is set in Powerscourt and GAA clubs and Donnybrook and on O’Connell bridge and in the place your mind goes to when you let it drift. It is all in your head.

Two women destroy Dublin. Dublin destroys two women. Welcome to the worst commute of your life.

video available on request

Creative Team:

Producer: Lisa Nally

Production/Stage Manager: Annachiara Vispi

Set Design: Rian Hamill

Sound Design: Sam Hardiman

Costume Design: Annachiara Vispi

Lighting Design: Matt McGowan

Lighting Assistant: Emily Long

Poster and Images: Hannah McAteer


Co directed by Choy – Ping Clarke – Ng and Grace Morgan

The Peacock Theatre as part of The Young Curators Festival, August 2019.

Where are you from?" is a common question, but its connotations and answers are often complicated.

Through confession, movement and interviews with their father, Choy-Ping

Clarke-Ng 吳彩萍 explores this, as someone who speaks only English, likes to dance and is looking for home.

video available on request.

Creative Team:

Performers: Choy-Ping Clarke-Ng 吳彩萍 and Chi-Wai Ng 吳子威

Production and Stage Management: Sophie Coote

Lighting Design: Ferdy Emmet

Sound Design: Lara Gallagher

Set, Costume and Projection Design: Choy-Ping Clarke-Ng 吳彩萍

Set Assistant: Natasha Duffy

Publicity Photography: Isaac Harris 

Production Photography: Hannah McAteer

Waterford Crystal

Written and Performed by Lisa Nally.

Directed by Grace Morgan

Presented by OXBO theatre.

No horses were harmed in the making of this play…we think.

In the 2004 Athens Olympics, Cian O’Connor was the only member of Team Ireland to win a gold medal. He was welcomed home a hero. But subsequently discovered his horse, Waterford Crystal, had failed a drug test, testing positive to the use of “performance-enhancing substances”. What followed was an onslaught of weighted accusations, insane sponsorship links to the Irish Times, a horse on human antidepressants, ridiculous robberies, Charlie Bird’s fax machine, and a disappearing urine sample - ultimately leading to the stripping of his gold medal.

Presented as part of Smock Allies Scene and Heard Festival 2019.

Creative Team:

Lighting Design: Matt McGowan

Sound Design: Lara Gallagher

Producer: Jennifer Aust

Publicity photography: Annachiara Vispi

Production photography: Sarah O’Sullivan

Sun Bear

Written and Performed by Sarah Richardson

Directed by Grace Morgan

Presented by Rampant Collective

Something is happening under the surface.
An uncontrollable wave is starting to bubble.
Anything could tip the balance.
But what started this fire?
And can Katie hold it in?

video available on request.

Producer: Marisa Conroy

Sound Design: Sam Hardiman

Designed by: Áine O’Hara

Lighting by: Fenna von Hirschheydt

Presented as part of Smock Allies Scene and Heard 2020.